Postal Address Full postal address inc. country
E-mail address
Telephone Number (+00) 000 000 0000
Dates of visit (exact, approximate or "not sure") Examples: 3rd June 2016 to 10th June/ maybe August/ unsure
Everything you definitely want to see or do - Must see list: Buckingham Palace. Tower Bridge. Crown Jewels
Your areas of interest (eg historical period, types of Art, particular people, etc) - List: Tudors. King George III. Winston Churchill. Portraits. World War 2
How many in your party, and what ages?
Energy Levels - all days busy? Rest or quiet days? How often?
Energy Levels The most energetic/lazy person ever!
Walking no more than 100 yards; can walk for miles - you tell me!
Budget Not including food, this is to guide me about admission and travel charges. Please indicate whether this is in your own currency or £sterling.
Anything else? Just add anything else you think would be helpful for me to know.